Ingredients for Mediterranean Potato Salad for 4 Servings
- 0,5 kg (1 lbs.) small cooked potatoes – patatas
- 1 red onion – cebolla rojo
- 4 radishes – rábanos
- 2 dl (1 cup) of olives – aceitunas
- 1 dl (1/2 cup) of capers – alcaparras
- 2 dl (1 cup) of sun-dried tomatoes – tomates secos
- 3 green onions – cebollitas
- 1 dl (1/2 cup) of extra virgin olive oil – aceite de oliva virgen extra
- a punch of parsley – perejil
- sea salt – sal marina
- ground black pepper – pimienta negra
- Chop vegetables into small rings as in the pictures. If the potatoes are too big for a bite, half them, too. Add rest of the ingredients along with chopped parsley and olive oil. Let the salad rest in the fridge while you cook the octopus.
Ingredients for Octopus and Garlic Oil
- 1/2 medium size octopus – medio de pulpo
- 1 lemon – limón
- a pinch of sea salt – sal marina
- a punch of parsley – perejil
- 5 cloves of garlic – dientes de ajo
- 1 dl (1/2 cup) of extra virgin olive oil – aceite de oliva virgen extra
- a splash of sunflower oil – aceite de girasol
- Cook the octopus
Chop parsley and garlic very fine and mix well with the olive oil. Season with salt to taste. Put the oil on the side to rest while you grill the octopus.
Put a frying pan or a hot plate very hot and splash a bit of sunflower oil on it. Fry the octopus until the surface begins to brown and the suction cups become crispy. Season with the garlic oil and serve with the Mediterranean potato salad.
¡Buen provecho!