99 Names of Allah with Urdu Meaning 2024

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The 99 Names of Allah (Asma ul Husna) with Urdu Meanings

Asma ul Husna are the 99 beautiful names of Allah mentioned in the Quran. Reciting and reflecting on these names is considered a great act of worship.

Note: While there are various translations and interpretations, here’s a common list of the 99 names of Allah with their Urdu meanings.

99 Names of Allah with Urdu



  1. الرحمن (Ar-Rahman): The Most Gracious
  2. الرحيم (Ar-Rahim): The Most Merciful
  3. الملك (Al-Malik): The King
  4. القدوس (Al-Quddus): The Holy One
  5. السلام (As-Salam): The Source of Peace
  6. المؤمن (Al-Mu’min): The Believer
  7. المنعم (Al-Mumin): The Bestower of Blessings
  8. المتعالي (Al-Muta’ali): The Exalted
  9. الصبور (As-Sabur): The Patient
  10. الحليم (Al-Halim): The Forbearing


  1. العظيم (Al-‘Azim): The Great
  2. الغفور (Al-Ghafur): The Forgiving
  3. الشكور (Ash-Shakur): The Appreciative
  4. الجليل (Al-Jalil): The Majestic
  5. الكبير (Al-Kabir): The Grand
  6. المتكبر (Al-Mutakabbir): The Proud
  7. الخالق (Al-Khaliq): The Creator
  8. البارئ (Al-Bari): The Originator
  9. المصور (Al-Musawwir): The Fashioner
  10. الغافر (Al-Ghaffar): The Forgiving


  1. القهار (Al-Qahar): The Dominant
  2. الواحد (Al-Wahid): The One and Only
  3. الصمد (As-Samad): The Eternal
  4. القاdir (Al-Qadir): The All-Powerful
  5. المقتدر (Al-Muqtadir): The Able
  6. المعز (Al-Mu’iz): The Honorer
  7. المذل (Al-Muzil): The Humiliator
  8. السامي (As-Sami): The All-Hearing
  9. البصير (Al-Basir): The All-Seeing
  10. الحكيم (Al-Hakim): The Wise


  1. الودود (Al-Wدود): The Loving
  2. المجيد (Al-Majid): The Glorious
  3. الباعث (Al-Ba’ith): The Resurrector
  4. الشهد (Ash-Shahid): The Witness
  5. الحق (Al-Haqq): The Truth
  6. الوکیل (Al-Wakil): The Trustee
  7. القوي (Al-Qawiyy): The Strong
  8. المتين (Al-Matin): The Firm
  9. الولى (Al-Waliyy): The Guardian
  10. الهمد (Al-Hamid): The Praised


  1. المحصي (Al-Muhsi): The Counter
  2. **المبدئ (Al-Mubdi’): The Originator
  3. المعيد (Al-Mu’id): The Restorer
  4. المنيع (Al-Muni’): The Refuge
  5. الآذل (Al-Azil): The Eternal
  6. الجامع (Al-Jam’i’a): The Gatherer
  7. المفرق (Al-Mufraq): The Separator
  8. الوافي (Al-Wafi): The Fulfiller
  9. الواسع (Al-Was’i’a): The All-Encompassing
  10. الهادي (Al-Hadi): The Guide


  1. البادي (Al-Badi): The Creator of New Things
  2. الباقي (Al-Baqi): The Everlasting
  3. الوارث (Al-Warith): The Inheritor
  4. الرؤوف (Ar-Ra’uf): The Kind
  5. مالك الملك (Malik al-Mulk): The King of Kings
  6. ذو الجلال والإكرام (Dhu al-Jalal wa al-Ikram): Possessor of Glory and Honor
  7. المقصود (Al-Maqsud): The Beloved
  8. السوي (As-Sawiy): The Equal
  9. الغني (Al-Ghani): The Rich
  10. المغني (Al-Mugni): The Enricher


  1. المانع (Al-Mani’a): The Preventer
  2. الضار (Al-Darr): The Causer of Harm
  3. النفع (An-Nafi’a): The Benefactor
  4. القهار (Al-Qahar): The Dominant
  5. الفاطر (Al-Fattar): The Originator
  6. الباريء (Al-Bari’a): The Creator
  7. المؤيد (Al-Mu’ayyad): The Supporter
  8. المجيد (Al-Majid): The Glorious
  9. الخالق (Al-Khaliq): The Creator
  10. الرازق (Ar-Raziq): The Provider


  1. الفتاح (Al-Fattaḥ): The Opener
  2. العليم (Al-‘Alim): The All-Knowing
  3. القابض (Al-Qabid): The Withholder
  4. الباسط (Al-Basit): The Expander
  5. الخافض (Al-Khafid): The Lowerer
  6. الرافع (Ar-Rafi’a): The Raiser
  7. المعز (Al-Mu’iz): The Honorer
  8. المذل (Al-Muzil): The Humiliator
  9. السميع (As-Sami’a): The All-Hearing
  10. البصير (Al-Basir): The All-Seeing


  1. الحكم (Al-Hakam): The Judge
  2. العدل (Al-‘Adl): The Just
  3. اللطيف (Al-Latif): The Subtle
  4. الخبير (Al-Khabir): The Well-Informed
  5. الرحيم (Ar-Rahim): The Most Merciful
  6. القدير (Al-Qadir): The All-Powerful
  7. القدوس (Al-Quddus): The Holy One
  8. السلطان (As-Sultan): The Ruler
  9. الستار (Al-Sattar): The Veiler (of Sins)
  10. البالغ (Al-Baligh): The Achiever


  1. الباقي (Al-Baqi): The Everlasting
  2. الوارث (Al-Warith): The Inheritor
  3. الناصر (An-Nasir): The Helper
  4. الفتاح (Al-Fattaḥ): The Opener
  5. المنعم (Al-Mumin): The Bestower of Blessings
  6. المنعم عليه (Al-Mumin ‘Alayh): The Blessed One
  7. المنتقم (Al-Muntaqim): The Avenger
  8. العفو (Al-‘Afu): The Pardoner
  9. الرووف (Ar-Ra’uf): The Kind

Remember: Reciting these names regularly, reflecting on their meanings, and incorporating them into daily prayers can deepen one’s connection with Allah and bring numerous spiritual benefits.

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