An Ideal Student paragraph  for Hsc,Class 6

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An Ideal Student paragraph  for Hsc,Class 6

An Ideal Student paragraph  for Hsc,Class 6

The word ideal means perfection suitable. So an ideal student is all-rounder and having many different skills and abilities. Panctuality is a good virtue for all. An ideal student is always regular and punctual in attending the class and submitting the assignment. A good student is very studious. He leams and eams and his learning is an asset. He does not leave anything undone for tomorrow that can be done today. An ideal student always speaks the truth, So it is seen that an ideal student always remains abead and success embraces him all the time. An ideal student is simple in behaviour, sincere in activities and dedicated towards the nation. He provides a model that other students follow. He is always obedient to his parents.

An Ideal Student paragraph  for Hsc,Class 6

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