This dish combines coffee flavor and hot chili nicely!
In order to celebrate Cinco de Mayo properly you would need a good portion of chili con carne, of course! This recipe combines Mexican flavors with a Spanish twist. One of the weird ingredients is coffee! But trust us, it works! Chili con Carne 2024 Award Winning Chili Con Carne
Ingredients for Chili con Carne for 8-10 Servings
- A splash of olive oil – aceite de oliva
- 1 kg (2 lbs.) of ground beef – carne de vacuno, picado
- 3 raw chorizo sausages – chorizos
- 2 onions – cebollas
- 5 cloves of garlic- dientes de ajo
- 2 cinnamon stick – camitas de canela
- 1/2 l (2 1/2 cups) of freshly brewed coffee – café
- 400 g (1 lbs) of tomato paste – tomate doble concentrado
- 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds – semillas de cilantro
- 1 tablespoon of oregano – orégano
- 3 table spoons of brown sugar – azúcar moreno
- sea salt – sal marina
- ground black pepper – pimienta negra
- 10 fresh green chillies – pimientos picante verde
- 400 g (1 lbs.) of chickpeas or kidney beans – garbanzos
- Award Winning Chili Con Carne
Preheat the oven to 150 ºC. Chili con Carne 2024
Fry the ground beef and chorizo in batches. When all is browned, onions and ground beef into Dutch oven. Add coffee, tomato paste and cinnamon sticks and put into oven for 2 hours. If you have some leftover tomatoes you can throw them in as well. We did. Chili con Carne 2024
While the stew is cooking in the oven, make to chili paste by combining toasted coriander seeds, 1 or 2 chilies (depending how spicy you want the chili stew to be), oregano and brown sugar in a mortar. When the structure seems paste-like, set it aside to wait for the stew.
After 2 hours of cooking add the chili paste, chickpeas, a pinch of salt and black pepper and stir carefully. Check the taste and season with brown sugar, chili, salt and pepper, if needed. When the taste is right, garnish the dish with rest of the chilies (see the picture below) and put the pot back into oven for 20 minutes without lid. Chili con Carne 2024 Award Winning Chili Con Carne
Serve with nacho chips, salsa and grated mozzarella. Chili con Carne 2024
¡Buen provecho! Chili con Carne 2024