How can I improve my focus?

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  1. Forget your Past
  2. Delete all your social accounts [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…]
  3. Stop Chatting. Period. [gtalk, yahoo, whatsapp, fb..]
  4. Clean your room of all clutter. What you don’t need, give to charity
  5. And then, Take a Vacation to a remote scenic place with no email,phone access. Don’t even think of taking any pictures.

Come back home and start your life again.

You have to be free, I mean, truly and completely feel free, for you to connect with yourself. Once you are able to do that, it will be easier for you to focus.

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I expected these comments sooner or later. I would ask the same if I were you. Let me explain.

At a particular phase in my life, I was going through a really difficult time. I hadn’t figured out what to do in my life. I was out of grad school without a long-term stable job. All my friends were doing great in awesome jobs or had just given up. My parents asked me to come back home. I didn’t want to compromise and work in any job that paid me. I knew what my heart was into and what field I wanted to be in. I was living off my savings from my previous internship and the current one that made ends meet. In short, I was distracted and directionless. I deactivated my facebook account, cut off all forms of communication through talk, and used no messaging service whatsoever. I had no contact with anyone except my roommate and my parents back home. For a long time it was just me and my work and my life goals. I focused on my life and reconstructed the various conceptions that I had of myself. Those were the four months when I learnt the most in my life, when I studied my strengths and weaknesses. I was more clear on what I wanted to do in the next ten years. I read good books, I taught myself various technologies late into the night. And in christmas, I traveled up to the north-east. One thing I can tell you, I was not the same person at the end of it all. Today, in the midst of a hectic work life, I still crave for that time of learning and solitude. I repeated this exercise again last year when I was going through another difficult phase.

Man is a social animal. We all need family who keep us grounded and friends who enrich our lives. But at the same time, how much time do we spend on Facebook watching others lives pass by, friends getting married and having kids, friends getting a job, and us reading the countless( and purposeless) status messages? These are a good insight into our friends life and to feel happy that they are doing well. But in the end social media is just an unnecessary distraction in disguise.

I am still on social media on and off, but within a certain limit. It’s a good way to be in touch with people whom you can’t physically meet, or find long lost friends. I love Quora, I love reading about others views on topics close to my heart, reading true life touching experiences of people I will never meet in my life.

It’s not easy to cut yourself off from everyone. But it’s important to be aware of the distractions surrounding you that affect you and your clarity of vision and identify the sources that control your thoughts. When it’s time to focus on our utmost priority and get somethings straight in line, its necessary to do what we have to. No excuses. Life is short.

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