Most Common Windows 10 Bugs and Problem‏s

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Most Common Windows 10 Bugs and Problem‏s

Most Common Windows 10 Bugs and Problem‏s

If you are among millions of users who have installed Microsoft Windows 10 on your PC’s, there are chances that you have not experienced smooth and seamless computing. At present, every software in market seems to be work-in-progress and Microsoft also did the same.

It does not mean that Windows 10 is a disaster, there are lots of people who upgraded to Windows 10 without any kind of problem and enjoying the latest software. Windows 10 in very short span of time achieved 75 million user base, and this not the easy thing to do.

While the bugs in Windows 10 are not negligible, the OS is suffering from bugs and problem like Battery Life, Buggy Apps and more.

So here is the list of some most common bugs that you might experience while operating Windows 10.

1. Wi-Fi Connectivity
Users are complaining that Wi-Fi connection is not static, or sometime it may reject to connect at all. I do not understand if this is the specific problem. However, most of the users suggest to disable Wi-Fi sharing mode or it can be solved with a simple reboot.

2. Battery Life
Battery Life is also one of the biggest problems being faced by Windows 10 users. Whenever you upgrades to a new operating system, you may experience reduced battery backup, but it is not a big issue. If your hardware battery is draining rapidly, check its manufacturer for compatible firmware and drivers. And the constant updates and downloads on Windows 10 in the background process may be responsible for it. So just turn off the automatic updates and try to fix the problem.

3. Start Menu Freeze
As lots of users were missing their favorite Start Menu button on Windows 8 & 8.1, and waiting for Windows 10 to solve the problem. But after Windows 10 release, a number of users reported that Start Menu is not working properly. It freezes and does not open many times.

As this is not a simple problem, so there are different ways to solve it. In some cases it just need a reboot to fix, while in some it can be fixed via command prompt.

4. Microsoft Edge not working
As Microsoft puts a lot efforts on Windows 10 to make it a success, the company replaced the old Internet Explorer with brand new Edge. Before launch of Windows 10, the company claimed that Microsoft Edge is 112 times faster compared to other browsers you are using. But, after the launch, tables got turned, users are reporting problems like Edge runs slow and have loading problems, Edge cuts off frequently and cannot connect, some web pages have problem and does not load at all and a lot more.

Most Common Windows 10 Bugs and Problem‏s

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