What are the best new products or inventions that most people don’t know about?

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1.A watermelon slicer

2. Watering System for Plants

3.Multipurpose Cutting Board

4.Customizable Baking Mould

5. Knife Toaster

6. Lamp that looks like pouring light

7. Digital spoon scale

8. Toilet paper holder

9. Spoon holder

10. Spaghetti Spoon

11. Cake baking mould

12. Sauce gun

13. Creative candles

14. Liquor Locker

15. Door opener


Edit- by seeing a great response let me.add few more.

The ’jelly’ cloth for cleaning hard-to-reach places

Two-way toothpaste

Folding machine

Collapsible travel bottle

Thanks for so many upvotes.

Source- BS

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